
Patent Creation Socialization Drives Innovation and Creativity Among STMIK Royal Lecturers

STMIK Royal – As an initial step in promoting innovation and creativity among lecturers, STMIK Royal organized a patent creation socialization event held on December 6, 2023. The activity began with a warm welcome from the Chairwoman of STMIK Royal, Mrs. Wan Mariatul Kifti, S.E., M.M. In her opening speech, Mrs. Wan Mariatul Kifti, S.E., M.M., emphasized the importance of patent creation as a tangible step in protecting intellectual property rights, as well as a driver of innovation among lecturers.

Following the opening remarks, the event continued with a speech from the Chairman of Connect Business Incubator STMIK Royal. Connect Chairman, Mr. Yori Apridonal, M.Kom, stated that Connect is ready to provide full support for every creative and innovative idea generated by STMIK Royal lecturers.

Subsequently, the event proceeded with a presentation by STMIK Royal lecturers who successfully secured patent funding, Mr. Ricki Ananda, S.Pd., M.T. The material presented aimed to provide comprehensive understanding to STMIK Royal lecturers so that they can easily take steps towards patent protection for their works.

STMIK Royal lecturers were present with enthusiasm, exchanging ideas, and engaging in discussions throughout the socialization event. At the end of the program, a high spirit and determination were evident to develop creative ideas into real innovations that could make a positive contribution to the world of technology.

With this patent creation socialization event, it is hoped that STMIK Royal lecturers will be further motivated to continue producing high-value innovations and works, turning them into solutions that can have a positive impact on the development of technology and society at large.

Media & Information STMIK Royal, Reports

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