IT development in Indonesia has encouraged Mr. Anda Putra Lubis to participate in developing IT based education by establishing The Royal Course Centre in 1995 in Kisaran, Asahan District, North Sumatera Province. Royal Computer Courses begin with a simple facility thast is 8 units of computers. This institution is supported by instructor consisting of one large company in various fields which then attract students to develop their abilities in the IT field. Within 5 years his students reached people after collaborating with advanced schools in the Asahan Area and beyond.
In 2003, The Royal Academy of Information Technology and Computer Management, more popularly known as AMIK Royal. AMIK Royal was founded with two study programs namely Information Management (MI) and Computer Engineering (TK). AMIK Royal produces graduate computer intermediate experts equivalent to diploma level 3 meet the needs of the community for higher education in the computer field. The development of this institution is quite rapid with the number of students in the first years around 42 people and to around 300 people in the third year. AMIK Royal continues to improve management and facilities in order to improve the quality of its graduates, as evidenced in the next three years the number of students reached more than 1000 people. AMIK Royal alumni were accepted in various government, private companies, and in other organizations scattered throughout Indonesia, especially North Sumatera.
Royal High School Information Technology and Computer Management or abbreviated as STMIK Royal range was
established on September 8, 2011. STMIK Royal standing date refers to the date of established permit issued by the Minister of National Education anb The Director General of Higher Education signed by Djoko Santoso with a decree number : 197/E/O/201 on September,08,2011.
STMIK Royal was established in September 2011 and was previously preceded by AMIK Royal in September 2003 ( but AMIK Royal has joined STMIK Royal in early 2019). STMIK Royal has just obtained B accreditation in its institution.
The opportunity to get accreditation B is our starting point to start cooperation with universities and larges
institutions, especially in the field of Information Technology or similar computer fields and located in the country and especially abroad to help improve the quality of The Royal Campus especially quality as the main human resource in campus operations.