STMIK Royal – The academic community of STMIK Royal extends its congratulations to the STMIK Royal students who have successfully passed the Certified Independent Study Program (MSIB) Batch 6 Internship Program. Congratulations to:
No | Name | Place |
1 | Mayang Puspita Sari | Presentologics dengan posisi Pengembang React dan Back End |
2 | Sarmila | PT Stechoq Robotika Indonesia dengan posisi UI/UX Specialist In Industry 4.0 For Manufacturing Industry |
3 | Amanda Sari | PT Nurul Fikri Cipta Inovasi dengan posisi Akademi Fullstack Web Developer |
The achievement of these students is evidence of the dedication, competence, and quality of education provided by STMIK Royal. Their success in securing these valuable internship opportunities is not only a source of pride for themselves but also serves as inspiration for all other #RoyalCompanions.
Internship and Certified Independent Study Program (MSIB) provide students with golden opportunities to gain practical experience and expand their knowledge in the real world. It is hoped that this experience will serve as a strong foundation for their professional careers in the future.
Through this achievement, STMIK Royal continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing quality education and preparing its students to become competent professionals ready to compete in the job market. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement!
Media and Information of STMIK Royal, reports.