STMIK Royal – On a day filled with pride, the academic community of STMIK Royal is delighted to announce that 20 students from STMIK Royal and one staff member from the Royal Teladan Asahan Educational Foundation have successfully been awarded scholarships provided by the Government of Asahan Regency. This achievement not only serves as evidence of the dedication and perseverance of the scholarship recipients but also as recognition of the quality of education and the performance of the institution.
These scholarships provide a significant boost for the recipients to pursue their higher education dreams without financial burdens. It also reflects the commitment of the Government of Asahan Regency to support education and human resource development in its region.
Congratulations to the 20 STMIK Royal Students:
- Nadrah Umi Kalsum
- Sri Hotinah
- Diajeng Puspa Wahyuni
- Shofiah Fabriani
- Rahmat Hidayat Lubis
- Ridha Aulia Ainun
- Putri Zakiyah Maharani Siregar
- Alvi Riyanto Sitorus
- Rahmad Rifany Siregar
- Nurlia Sari
- Dwi Sakila Anggraini
- Melinda Anike Putri
- Sari Bunga Tiara Manurung
- Indah Lestari
- Annisa Nur Afdilla
- R. Kumala Sari Margolang
- Artika Sari
- Rahmadita
- Dea Tantri Puspita
- Suriya Ningsih
And 1 Staff member from the Royal Teladan Asahan Educational Foundation:
Mrs. Nirda Julianda, S.Pd
This success not only serves as inspiration for the scholarship recipients but also as motivation for all students and staff of STMIK Royal to continue striving for excellence. It also reaffirms STMIK Royal’s commitment to providing a supportive, inclusive, and achievement-oriented educational environment
The spirit and enthusiasm to pursue higher education dreams must continue to be nurtured, as education is the key to personal success and social progress. Thus, the achievements of these scholarship recipients are significant steps toward a smarter, more competitive, and resilient society.
Media and Information of STMIK Royal, reports